Thursday, 29 January 2015

MILE at Hire Highschool


MILE at Hire Highschool

Date : 17th January 2015
Location : Hire Highschool, Pune
Duration : 2 Hours

No. of attendees : 100 approximate

Mile Team :
- Prathamesh Chavan (F.S.A.)
- Aman Sehgal (F.S.A.)
- Suchita Agarwal (F.S.A.)

MILE team

Guests Mozillians present :
- Laura De Reynal (Mozilla Employee)
- Sayak Sarkar (Mozilla Representative)
- Gauthamraj Elango (Mozilla Representative)

Event Report :

The MILE event was organized in a school which has students coming from a very low income based families. Some students are the first generation of their family to attend schooling. Hence, the MILE team chose this school and organized a web literacy session.

 Suchita giving a brief introduction about Technology.

The students knew about computers as they were taught the computer subject in the school. Grasping their knowledge level, the MILE team delivered a session which included the following topics :
- A brief introduction about Computer and Technology
- What is WEB ?
- Activities on the INTERNET
- Videos featuring the practical internet mechanism

 Prathamesh explaining about the Internet basics.

 At the end of the session, the attendees were educated about HTML tags and using which the steps to design the web page. Students enjoyed this part as they marveled over the ease in making their own web page.

Aman answering the questions from the enthusiastic attendees.

 Students learning the steps to design a web page.

We are very much thankful to the school authority for helping us in all possible manner during the event. A special thanks to Laura, Sayak and Gauthamraj for being with us and helping us in making the project a big success. 

Mozillians !

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